Commodore PSU by Electroware

Today, I recieved a parcel from Electroware, located in Poland. These guys have seen the market for new power supplies to the old Commodore computers. Everybody knows that the original PSU bricks will fail some day, and may burn the precious MOS chips to kingdom come. Hence, many of us have made our own PSUs, or even bought one of the legendary PSUs made by Ray Carlsen. However, Electroware produces PSUs thar are less expensive and have recieved mostly positive reviews. I am tired of making my own PSUs, but I do not want to sell any Commodore machines with original PSUs only. It is plain stupidity to depend on those old C64 PSU bricks. The original C128 PSU has better records and may be safer. Anyway, I ordered one C128 PSU and one C64 PSU from Electroware, hoping I hade made my last PSU for my many Commodre machines. The shipping was swift and the packaging excellent: The only strange thing was that the C64 PSU had a serial number printed on a label (see picture above), while no such ...