Artificial Intelligence and Evolution: Beyond the Myths of Killer Machines

I recently listened to an interview with Eliezer Yudkowsky on the Lex Fridman Show on YouTube. He claims that AI might turn against us and kill us. While his arguments are intriguing, I am not entirely convinced by his reasoning, particularly regarding his ideas on evolution (02:30:03 into the interview). It's possible that his written work is more nuanced, but in the interview, he seemed to present natural selection as the sole, albeit ineffective, force of evolution. This perspective seems somewhat simplistic. While it's true that preferred individuals are favored because they are adapted to their environment, what about the other kind of adaptation where intelligence controls preference? For millennia, humans have controlled the breeding of animals, thereby shaping their genetics. In my opinion, a cow is still a product of evolution, even though human intelligence plays a role in selecting the preferred individuals. Why? Because human intelligence is a product of natural sel...